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时间:2024-04-23 10:40:03



英语高中作文300字 篇1

it is my honor to show you around, And now I will introduce something about our study. At present we learn not only from the textbook but also from optional courses. We can study what we are interested in. In this way,we can develop ourselves in different aspects. And we can also study on the Internet.


英语高中作文300字 篇2

It would be difficult to imagine modern life Without the telephone. It has become an indispensable instrument of communication, saving much time and travel by enabling people to talk to one another over great distances.

Nowadays it Is just about as easy to talk across a continent, or even overseas, As It Is to talk across a continent, door neighbor.

However, it is in emergencies that the telephone really process its usefulness.

When there is a fire, or when someone is suddenly taken ill, the first thing one thinks of is ‘Where is the nearest telephone?’ so that help can be summoned.

英语高中作文300字 篇3

once upon a time there was a stupid man. his neighbor bought a nice bell. the stupid man liked it very much and wanted to steal it. one silent night, he went to his neighbor’s house. he tried to get the bell off. but the bell rang the moment he touched it. he was afraid that someone would hear it. so he covered his ears and got the bell down. when he was complacent about his cleverness, a lot of people came to the gate and caught him.

英语高中作文300字 篇4

Some people are lucky enough never to be sick, but most of us have to go tosee a doctor occasionally for examination and treatment. Doctors encourage people to have complete physical examinations regularly and not to wait until illnesses have become serious before having them treated. Everybody believes that 'An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure,'but not everybody follows this advice.

